Runner Up Best overall exhibit sponsored by Royal Society of NZ Wellington Branch – 2020

All Features ProjectsAll 2020 Winners
Student Name Sophie Hayes
Year 9
School Wellington Girls’ College
Teacher/s Christina Veale


$500 for the runner up best overall exhibit in the Fair, taking into account the year level of the exhibitor(s) and an invitation to the 2020 Hudson Lecture, including dinner with the speaker afterwards.

Project Short Description

An innovative investigation to build a mechanism that can power a smartwatch without taking it off to charge it.

Presentation Slides

Protection of Copyright, Intellectual Property and Design
Please note that the student’s intellectual property within entries to this fair has been protected by gazetting this exhibition under Section 9(2) of the Patents Act 2013 and Section 10(2) of the Designs Act 1953 by The Commissioner of Patents.