Health and Safety, and Ethics
It is really important that all students consider the health and safety risks associated with their projects, and ensure that all their experiments comply with good ethical practice and standards.

Health and safety

Research projects and activities should not put students in situations where their health or safety is at risk. Before you undertake any experiments for your project you should consider the risks associated with your project that could put you, or others, in harms way.

The following links and guidance are good places to start to understand how to consider health and safety considerations within your project:

Health and safety within schools
Safety and ethical considerations from TKI.

Safety and science
Revised Edition (2007)

Safety and technology education: a guidance manual for New Zealand schools


The NIWA Wellington Regional Science and Technology Fair follows the guidelines set out by the Royal Society Te Apārangi and the National Association of Science Educators guidelines for research.

The section on CREST projects on the Royal Society Te Apārangi website is very similar to the science fair in terms of ethics practise and standards and provides information and templates that are useful.

Animal ethics

If your project involves an animal, please seek Animal Ethics approval from the Animal Ethics committee before you begin.

Submit your application at least two weeks before you intend to start your project.

Please visit the Animal Ethics website for more information: Schools’ Animal Ethics Committee

Email: animalethicscommitteenz@gmail.com 

Human ethics

If you are conducting experiments  using people you will need to get permission from those involved in the form a signed consent form. For projects involving children under 16 years old you will need to have the permission of their parents or guardians as well. For more information refer to the section on CREST projects on the Royal Society Te Apārangi website.

You can find a human ethics planning form here, and a good example of the type of human consent form you could use or adapt.