Competition Rules & Conditions
Competition RulesVirtual Fair Code of Conduct

Conditions for entry

  1. The NIWA Wellington Regional Science and Technology Fair welcomes entries from students at schools within the Wellington and Hutt Valley region. All competitors must be currently registered on the school roll and studying in years 7 to 13.
  2. All competitors must submit their project information to their school science fair coordinator prior to the entry closing date (Check date here). The entries (maximum 20 per school) must be made using the online entry form on the Science Fair website before 11:59 pm on the closing date.
  3. Any general enquiries should be addressed to the Chairperson.
  4. Any projects that involve dangerous chemicals (see Rule 8 below) must have prior approval from the Chairperson.
  5. All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor(s) only.
  6. Classes 1-4 (Year 7-10) students will exhibit their projects on a displayboard or posterboard.  The exhibit must be a complete self-contained unit, with no parts attached to tables, walls or floors.  The base of the exhibit must not exceed the footprint of  85 cm wide, 30 cm deep, and  93 cm high.  Students must display their logbook with their exhibit.  Students may bring supporting project material such as Technology Prototypes or Experimental Material, but this must fit within the Project Board width space.  These materials cannot be attached (bolted etc) to the table and cannot be noxious, toxic, or corrosive.  On Set-Up Day, students must sign in their projects and set up their project in the pre-allocated positions. Your entry will need to be removed promptly after the Prizegiving.
  7. Class 5 (Year 11-13) students can display their projects either (a) on a displayboard or posterboard, following the requirements set out for Class 1-4 exhibits, or (b) do an 8-minute Powerpoint presentation, followed by 2 minutes of questions from the judges.  Students need to provide a PDF/PPT/or other format copy of their PowerPoint presentation to the Fair Organisers on Set-Up Day; this will be retained by the Fair Organisers for the duration of the Fair.  Students doing the PowerPoint presentation should also have their logbook available at the presentation; they should also provide a brief printed overview of their project or a printed copy of their slides that can be displayed alongside the posterboards at the Fair.
  8. Each exhibit must be labelled by the competitor with the competition number and the brief description title (as on the entry form). A brief explanation of the object of the project is to be attached in a prominent place. This should also state which part of the exhibit or of the work done was completed by someone other than the exhibitor(s) or was purchased. Exhibitors are requested to check carefully the accuracy of their statements. All explanations should be in bold lettering, legible from 1.5-2 metres away. (Competition numbers will be supplied at the Fair).
  9. An exhibit that has been awarded a prize may not be re-entered in any subsequent Science Fair.
  10. Competitors must abide by the rules of the competition.

Competition Rules

  1. Biological experiments should conform to health and safety guidelines. (refer to Ministry of Education Safety and Science) and the health and safety section of this website.
  2. Any project involving animals (other than invertebrates) that affect or changes their normal routine, requires approval from the ethics committee of the New Zealand Association of Science Educators. For more information download this Information of Students and Teachers or visit the New Zealand Association of Science Educators website. For further information see the section around animal ethics on this website.
  3. Projects with experiments using people need signed permission from those involved and, for children under 16 years old, permission from parents or guardians as well. For more details follow the requirements for the Royal Society’s Crest Awards. For further information see the section around animal ethics on this website.
  4. Construction must be durable with movable parts firmly attached and safe.
  5. Any exhibitor requiring mains electricity must provide a suitable cord 5 metres long and a 3-pin plug, which must be constructed to comply with standard electrical safety laws.
  6. Exhibitors using mains electricity are recommended to use a suitable isolating transformer, or a current limiting device, to supply power to their exhibit. These devices give an extra margin of safety.
  7. Where 100 volts or more are used, all wiring, switches, metal parts etc., must be completely enclosed by barriers to prevent any possibility of an observer being able to receive an electric shock.
  8. Projects using voltages above 100 volts must be plainly labelled with a conspicuous sign stating the highest voltage being used. Such projects must be safe at all times and, if necessary, locked when unattended.
  9. Any radio transmitter in working order must comply with Radio Regulations and be licensed by the Radio Frequency Service (Write to Ministry of Commerce, PO Box 31433, L. Hutt Phone 566-5537).
  10. Nails, tacks etc. must not be used for securing wires, but proper insulators must be used.
  11. Explosives must not be used, and dangerous chemicals (including strong acids) are not to be used in the exhibit without the consent of the Fair Committee. This must be obtained in writing, at least one month before the Fair.
  12. Heating elements must be mounted on suitable non-combustible supports so that there is no possibility of a fire starting in the exhibit.
  13. No direct water supply is available. All exhibits using liquids of any kind must be leak-proof or stand in a leak-proof tray
  14. No direct gas supply is available. An exhibitor desiring to use gas should seek permission from the Fair Committee to use any arrangement for the supply of gas (eg, cylinders). Gas is to be supplied by the exhibitor.
  15. It is the responsibility of exhibitors to see that the areas immedi­ately surrounding their exhibit, and where the exhibit stands, are kept clean and dry at all times.
  16. The Committee reserves the right (a) not to display any exhibit, and (b) to withhold any prizes for which the judges consider an adequate standard has not been reached. The Committee’s decision in all matters is final.

Virtual Fair Code of Conduct

  1. Participants will, at all times, respect the rights of other participants.
  2. Participants must dress appropriately (in accordance with their school’s dress code).
  3. Students must respect their peers by upholding the net-etiquette guidelines and interact with other students, NWRSTF committee members, and judges positively and inclusively.
  4. Participants who do not behave in an appropriate manner or in any way violate the Code of Conduct will be disqualified and not allowed to continue to participate in the event. The violator forfeits their right to attend and participate in Science Fair events. Proper notification of the violation and action taken will be sent to the school and copies to the Board(s) of Education. 

Projects which do not comply with the above rules may be disqualified.